Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Now that we know where Central America is on a map, let's start at the beginning and learn the history of Central America.

The Mayan Civilization

The Mayan civilization covered what is now Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and part of Mexico in Central America. Most of the Mayan land was forest and mountains.

Go back to the map: Find Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and where Mexico now is. Using what you know about this area. What kind of forests do you think the paragraph is talking about?

Much of what we know about the Maya comes from Spanish records. Spaniards came to Latin America in 1511. By then the Mayan civilization was already 1,100 years old. They Maya kept records, but most of them have been destroyed or lost.

Mayan History
When the Maya-speaking people came to Central American is unknown. The classic period in Mayan history began around A.D. 320. It was a peaceful time when advancements were made in knowledge, building, and farming.
The earliest known Mayan city was Uaxactun in northern Guatemala, dating back to A.D. 328.

Other important cities were Copan, Tikal, and Palenque. Tikal and Palenque were famous for their pyramids. One pyramid in Tikal reached over 190 feet.
Copan was a city of great learning. Scholars came there to study and work.

Click on this map to make it bigger. Find Copan, Tikal, and Palenque. What do you see?

Mayan cities in the highlands of Guatemala were religious and political centers. Most common people lived in small villages. They went into the cities only to worship.
It is believed that over-farming helped cause the fall of the early Mayan civilization. War, famine, and changes in climate added to the fall. By 889, the Mayan cities lay in ruins.

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  1. Post a comment: Tell me 3 things you have learned so far about the Maya and sign your name



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